A minute to ponder...ЁЯдФ Two to cook.. ЁЯНЖЁЯНЕ


ЁЯдФ Are we eternal dictators... ?

Today I am pondering about what a broiler chicken is asking me...

ЁЯРФ"Hey human being, all of you are so shocked at what happens around you to other humans...the honour killings, racial murders and wars and destruction..

Do you for one moment realise that we Chickens are ALL being tortured and killed in a worse way, the pain of it which you guys can never even imagine ...?ЁЯРУ

ЁЯНЖЁЯНЕ Lets move on to item no 4in the (cruelty) free range cooking, in my mission to get one recipe daily with no animal product in it, which can be absolutely delicious if a careful and intuitive cook prepares them...(i am not thatЁЯЩД).

Today it is 'Koottu' which can be a side dish for rice,  chapathi or roti.






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A minute to ponder ЁЯдФЁЯдФ Two to cook ЁЯНЛЁЯМ╢️

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