A minute to ponder ЁЯдФЁЯдФ Two to cook ЁЯНЛЁЯМ╢️


Today i am pondering a fish's query.....ЁЯдФ

ЁЯРм "Is it right of humans to suffocate me, cut me, eat me alive, fry me and pickle me.... ?

Dont they know that it is a terrible pain for me ?

Dont they know that I have my family, children and my own society and that the sea and river are my world, where I was born to live and die in Natures own way?

I thought human beings were capable of being just and fair..."



Whenever I make lime pickle everyone, including me , want only the gravy and not the lime pieces...

so i decided to grind the lime a bit and see how it goes...

Limes are free ..ЁЯША

From the tree in my brother's house ..

Google says lemons are big oval and limes are small and round.

So what ...a lime is a lemon is a lime ....ЁЯЩДЁЯШГ


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A minute to ponder...ЁЯдФ Two to cook.. ЁЯНЖЁЯНЕ

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