Plant based nutrition


Personally I think one should never  exploit animals whatever the cost to us may be.

Be it tasty food or dress material or  habit or culture or nutrition or even vaccines.

This approach is easy and okay for me considering my age ...not being a growing child or a young adult anymore for many decades now.

But as my paediatrician friend pointed out, i cannot advocate a plant based diet to children without giving alternatives to the different perceived   benefits of an animal based diet (the phrase 'animal based diet' itself sounds cruel and heartless even to write, it is almost like saying a 'human based diet' ...🤔😯)

For all the other important aspects in the nutrition of a child -  like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals there are excellent products which one can get directly from plants, without the product first going through the body of an animal that is sentient, thinks and feels just like us or maybe even more when one takes into account their sensory system which is far more evolved than ours.

Our dog Pappa used to take one shortest of a short whiff at our hand and immediately run to the hidden object that had the same smell.

A rough idea:

lentils for protein

grains for carbohydrates

plant based oils for fat

raw fruits and vegetables  for vitamins 

and nuts and seeds for minerals, including iron and calcium.

But a natural source for B12 is one factor which eludes me, and I think the following article gives a possible solution without resorting to pills and syrups or fortified food.

I am trying to get some authentic article that has studied the bio availability of b12 from regular fermented food stuff..



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