Rhino horn



Rhino horn is made up of Keratin which is also the material of our fingernails.


I just read in FB about the killing of a mother and a child Rhinoceros who was just 5 months old ....

The mother had been dehorned but that did not deter the killers...there was a small stump that had regrown.

The baby did not have a horn yet...but was still shot dead.

This was in South Africa.

I have heard about rhino horn being used for it's supposed medicinal properties..and was under the impression that it was in China..but an online reference told me that now Vietnam is by far the largest market for rhino horn.

Further reading said that apart from some minor issues it is also supposed to treat cancer....and the next major reason was a status symbol.

Another use is, it being given to terminally ill people just to reassure them that everything possible was being done for their treatment.

I doubt if any of these really hold good...and was shocked to even read about them.

Another link described questioning people about why they wanted to use this weird thing....and it said that trying to convince the people about its foolishness seemed ineffective.

The beleif was so entrenched in the minds.

This reminds me of our own chicken soup which is said to cure common cold ...

A chickens body boiled and drunk and it cures common cold!

So what about the millions of sentinel white blood cells in our body that are in constant vigil running about in our blood stream searching for harmful agents to kill them and protect our body?

Almost always the fact that we posses six senses ( not sure what they are) are spoken about  with some pride over the animals that posses a little less apparently.

What is it that we do with the sixth sense that is so highly esteeemed..?

If we don't employ it in the proper way and use it .....for Gods sake!

Even if we do need an additional medicine for Common cold, we have the ubiquitous milagu rasam, here in Tamil Nadu.

And there are varieties of it to relieve the boredom.

It is hard to know what to feel sad about ..the killing itself or the fact that its medicinal use is very doubtful and the other uses are plain frivolous.

Killing lives in their prime and in their childhood for next to no reason is one of the horrific crimes against animals perpetuated by us.....of course the killers must have  got their money.

And it seems money is the driving force.

Unless we correct our nonsense views about holding on to silly traditions probably set in motion by some equally silly personality long ago, there will be no end to this holocaust against the voice- less innocent beings.


The second link shows a recent  advertisement in Vietnam being shown in public places in an effort to dissuade people from using rhino horn.




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