Cricket and Chicken


I am not an avid cricket fan fact not a fan at all though the rest of my family  are.

I remember with some awe, my aunt - my father's sister who was an uneducated village person, whom I used to admire for her hard work and affectionate nature.

I was a convent school-going city dweller who used to visit the village only during holidays, though my native was also a village.

It was the time when TV had just arrived in India with Doordharshan entertaining the whole nation.

During the cricket season it was common for the men of the family to be gathered in the hall in front of the TV with Tea  going to them on a regular basis.

And nobody noticed that my aunt too had been smitten by  Cricket.

She must have occupied the back row now and then when ever her farm released her.

She picked up so much about the game and it's intricacies- with absolutely no english knowledge- that she was able to give updates to absentees using technical terms like offside and onside, wickets, catch, sixers and ducks and all else.

She is ofcourse no more now since many years .... I just suddenly remembered her and it occurs to me that anyone with an inclination can pick up any knowledge with no basic information or training.....🤔

of course this is out of line from what I wanted to share today.

Coming back... inspite of my aversion to Cricket, from news bits I anyway get to read and hear about the teams and players ..I developed an admiration for  Captain Dhoni for his calm demeanor. Anyone with some amount of composure

always gets my admiration, because thats one thing I do not possess.

But ever since I realised about our (humanity's) treatment of our animal cousins, my world view has changed..I tend to admire humane people more.

And so my regards for our former Cap Dhoni fell fast and sure down the drain, when I read about his poultry farm plans.

( Not that anyone's admiration matters to anyone else IMO again) but when it concerns one of the most famous personas of India ..I just thought it better to announce it.

I am hoping this halt in his plans that the bird flu has imposed, will make him reconsider the poultry farming plans and to continue organic plant based farming in his sprawling ranch with no involvement of slaves from the animal kingdom.

It is never too late for any one to correct ones mistakes...I am a standing example, having decided to eliminate ALL animal products from my life for food clothing and accessories as much as humanly possible in an effort to get some redemption from my past mistake of having done so.

I cannot believe I took part in the commodification of our sentient cousins who are as good a mother or a child to each other as we are in our human world .



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