Question 2




Eagles eyesight is very sharp.


The sense of smell is so much more in dogs than in humans that they can sniff almost anything out.


The sense of hearing is far greater in dogs than us, as guard dogs show.

The sense of smell is so sharp in sharks that they can smell the minutest amount of blood miles away by which  they home in on their prey.

And people who have raised pets at home might have noticed how they seem to understand our thoughts even when we do not speak out loud...

Observation of hens with chicks  show us how aggressively the mother hen protects her chicks under her wings. 

All the natural history channels on TV show us how any prey tries to save itself from a predator.

A reasonable conclusion from this would be that the sense of pain, loss,love and fear of death would probably be either equal to or more than us in animals.

So in that sense how do we justify killing an animal which is as sentient as us( or more )for the sake of our taste buds?

Because it is only for the taste we do this, and an honest introspection will tell that

(I know because as my husband  pointed out to me rightly 😔- I was relishing chicken biriyani for 55 years of my 60 years of life )....

On a balance scale with our taste buds on one side and the life of an animal that can think, feel, love  and wants to live its life on the other side..




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